Fondation privée du Carrefour des arts (2019-2020)

Beginning in October 2019 and ending in July 2020, the residency at Carrefour des arts was a rich and productive experience. On the one hand, I met artists (Diego Wéry, Clara Marciano, Elise Peroi) whose work aroused the desire to learn and pursue various avenues within the work in progress; and on the other hand, because the place itself (the space of the studio) allows the creation of works that can be freed from the space of the living room. With the Windows, Shadows, Disavow project, I made about twenty drawings while refining the research, sometimes deviating towards other paths, other doors among the windows. I also thank the presence of Laura Neve with whom the exchanges on the work were constructive and encouraging for the post-residency.
Video © Maude Neve © Fondation Privée du Carrefour des arts
Centre Culturel de Namur - Abattoirs de Bomel (2020-2021)

Beginning in November 2020 and ending in January 2021, the residency at the Abattoirs of Bomel was a necessary time to get back to work with large formats. The studio space was perfect for making charcoal drawings; I thus directed Les Amoureux, Tribute to Hammershoi 2 and Le Repas. I thank in passing, the dialogue around the work in progress with Stevie Lardoux.
Video © Laurent Dumortier © Centre Culturel de Namur, 2022.